Sunday, May 31, 2015


OC Register's yesterday column highlighted Burma's ongoing humanitarian crisis sparked by local ethnic extremists and government's systematic discrimination acts.
(17) ASEAN and regional nations met first time In Bangkok last Friday since the crisis began. As Burmese sent the low profile Deputy Director General level as agreed (under regional pressure), there were (17) resolutions as there are 17 principle participants. The international community agrees, at least this is the first but small step. The position of Dy-DG is nothing more than a superintendent representing nothing but the title "official" in today's Burma. Htin Lin, who he is, gave no indication that Burma (now Myanmar) will take better action in Rakkhine State where dire condition continue to grow. But he is smart enough to make statement quickly (on arrival at the nation capitol Naypidaw) that the international community understands Bengali are 'not' part of Burmese; which raised the eye-brows of all those participants attended the meeting (some jaws-dropped!).
This is nothing but the blaming game between "humanitarian-last" Burmese Government and "humanitarian-first" the rest of the world.
Let's look at the stances:
President Thein Sein and His government: The president once stated the only way to stabilize the Rakkhine's State ethnic conflict is to raise locals' living standard and they become more educated. But his cabinet and military generals' are heavily indoctrinated with 'kalar" hatred mindset.  Thein Sein's opinion may be kind-hearted but he has been over-shadowed by majority of his own government.
Aung San Su Kyi: She knows very well that ethnic group Rohigya has been in Burmese history side-by-side with local Rakkhine ethnics for centuries and should allow to exist as official ethnic group. But her voice of concern and belief can bring down the leading role and popularity of NLD since her view is distasteful to the public.
Political leaders and general public: it is no doubt 'kalar" hatred mindset is still running high in this majority.
The voice of international community and even ASEAN Nations point their fingers to one single country: Burma.
We all know that Bengali (or) Rohingya have been in-and-out of Burma's border due to safety and security pendulum in the region.
No country wants to see mass influx in their territory. But humanitarian always comes first when it comes to the crisis. Burmese Government's (including military) stand-point-policy of "identification-first" approach in such crisis is not acceptable by any given term in the international community. We cannot afford to stretch the time while the lives are at risk in the open seas. If all parties (government, politicians and ethnic leaders) can come up with the single voice with "humanitarian-first" approach with real action on the ground, the shadow of "shame" that harbors our Burmese will be wiped away over the time.
I truly believe there should not be limit in searching better living in this world. The world history has shown us human migration has been all along for billions of years.
Let's grow up!
The world is ONE big village after all!
with metta

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